FAQ for FujiFilm FinePix Z800EXR

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about the FujiFilm FinePix Z800EXR.
What is the release date of the FujiFilm Z800EXR?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR was released on July of 2010.
What is the FujiFilm Z800EXR sensor size?
The sensor size of the FujiFilm Z800EXR is 1/2" with dimensions of 6.4mm x 4.8mm and a surface area of 31mm².
How many MegaPixels does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR has a resolution of 12 Megapixels on a 1/2" sized sensor.
What is the weight of the FujiFilm Z800EXR?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR weighs 158 grams / 0.35 pounds.
What are the dimensions of the FujiFilm Z800EXR?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR has dimensions of (Width x Height x Depth) 98mm x 59mm x 20mm / 3.9" x 2.3" x 0.8".
Does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have manual focus?
Unfortunately, the FujiFilm Z800EXR does not have manual focus.
Does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have Interchangeable lenses?
No, you cannot change the lens on the Z800EXR.
What lens is built-in to the FujiFilm Z800EXR?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR has a fixed lens with a focal range of 35-175 mm (5×) and maximum aperture of F3.9-4.7.
What is the crop factor of the FujiFilm Z800EXR sensor?
The crop factor of the FujiFilm Z800EXR sensor is 5.6.
What type of screen does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR has a Fixed Type screen which is not selfie friendly.
Does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have a touch screen?
Yes, the FujiFilm Z800EXR has a touch screen.
What is the maximum shutter speed of the FujiFilm Z800EXR?
The maximum shutter speed of the FujiFilm Z800EXR is 1/1000 seconds.
How many frames per second (fps) can the FujiFilm Z800EXR shoot at?
The FujiFilm Z800EXR has a continuous shooting rate of 2.0 fps (frames per second).
Does the FujiFilm Z800EXR have image stabilization?
Yes, the FujiFilm Z800EXR has Sensor-shift Image Stabilization.