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We are excited to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to contribute to our photography blog, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We value our community and your insights, and we are always looking for fresh perspectives and engaging content from photography enthusiasts like you.

To submit your ideas, please use the contact form above. We encourage you to share your own unique experiences and knowledge to inspire and educate our readers.

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Here are some of the topics we cover at pxlmag:

Cameras and Lighting

  1. Camera Reviews: Provide detailed reviews of various cameras, highlighting their key features, image quality, and performance. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different camera models and suggest which ones are suitable for specific photography genres.
  2. Gear Guides: Create comprehensive guides that showcase different camera types, such as DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, or film cameras. Discuss the best options available at different price points, along with recommended lenses and accessories.
  3. Lighting Techniques: Share informative articles explaining various lighting techniques, such as natural light, artificial lighting, and off-camera flash. Provide tips on using light to create different moods and effects in photography. Discuss techniques like high-key lighting, low-key lighting, or backlighting.
  4. Lighting Equipment: Introduce different lighting equipment such as continuous lights, strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, and reflectors. Discuss their pros, cons, and recommended usage scenarios. Provide recommendations and links to reliable sources for purchasing lighting equipment.
  5. How-to Articles: Publish step-by-step guides on setting up lighting for different types of photography shoots, like portraits, product photography, or landscapes. Include tips on controlling shadows, using light modifiers, and achieving proper exposure.
  6. Case Studies or Behind-the-Scenes: Share real-life examples illustrating how different lighting setups were used to achieve specific photographic results. Discuss the thought process behind the lighting choices, camera settings, and any challenges faced during the shoot.
  7. Guest Posts and Interviews: Collaborate with professional photographers or industry experts to contribute articles or interviews on camera and lighting topics. This can provide diverse perspectives and insights from experienced practitioners in the field.
  8. Tutorials and Videos: Create video content demonstrating camera settings and lighting setups. This can be especially helpful for visual learners, allowing them to see practical examples and understand the techniques more easily.


  1. Showcase destination-specific photo series: Feature photo series from various travel destinations, highlighting unique aspects, landmarks, landscapes, or cultural aspects.
  2. Narrative travel stories: Share personal experiences and stories from the photographer’s travels, including anecdotes, adventures, and interesting encounters.
  3. Photography tips for travelers: Provide practical photography tips for capturing great travel photos, including advice on composition, lighting, equipment, and post-processing techniques.
  4. Highlight local photography spots: Introduce lesser-known or iconic photography locations in different cities or countries, suggesting ideal times for shooting and unique characteristics of each place.
  5. Feature local photographers: Collaborate with local photographers from different travel destinations to share their work and unique perspectives, allowing readers to explore and understand various cultures and places through photography.
  6. Photography gear reviews: Evaluate and review photography equipment suitable for travel, such as compact cameras, lightweight tripods, and versatile lenses that can enhance travel photography experiences.
  7. Travel planning and Itineraries: Provide travel itineraries or tips on how to plan and organize a photography-focused trip, including choosing destinations, finding photographic hotspots, and mapping out the ideal time and conditions for specific shots.
  8. Cultural photography insights: Discuss cultural aspects related to photography, such as rules and customs associated with photographing certain subjects or places, allowing readers to understand and respect local practices when taking travel photos.
  9. Photography contests or challenges: Engage readers by hosting photography contests or challenges related to travel photography, encouraging them to share their own photos and experiences.
  10. Collaboration with travel and photography brands: Collaborate with travel-related companies, camera brands, or photography-focused organizations to offer special promotions, discounts, or giveaways, while sharing valuable content related to traveling and photography simultaneously.


  1. Budgeting for equipment: Provide tips on how to set a budget for purchasing photography gear and equipment, including cameras, lenses, lighting, and accessories. Discuss the different price ranges, pros and cons of different options, and recommendations for photographers at different skill levels.
  2. Cost-effective DIY techniques: Share creative ideas on how photographers can achieve professional-looking results without breaking the bank. Write about affordable or DIY alternatives to expensive equipment or techniques, such as building your own light modifier or using household objects for interesting effects.
  3. Pricing photography services: Guide aspiring photographers on how to determine prices for their work, whether it’s for portrait sessions, event coverage, or selling prints. Discuss factors such as time, expertise, cost of equipment, and market demand, and provide examples of different pricing strategies.
  4. Monetizing a photography blog: Talk about different ways photographers can generate income through their online presence. This can include discussing strategies such as affiliate marketing, selling prints, licensing images, offering workshops or photography courses, or collaborating with brands for sponsored content.
  5. Business and financial tips for photographers: Provide insights on managing finances, taxes, and bookkeeping for a photography business. Discuss important factors like pricing structure, planning for expenses, tax deductions for photographers, and financial planning for long-term sustainability.
  6. Reviews and recommendations: Discuss the value for money of different photography products, software, or services. Share honest reviews of different camera models, lenses, editing tools, and more, helping readers make informed purchasing decisions.

Computers and Software

  1. Editing and post-processing software: Photography often involves manipulating and enhancing images using software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. The blog can discuss different software options, their features, and how to best utilize them on various computers or laptops.
  2. Hardware specifications: Photography enthusiasts may need high-performance computers to handle demanding tasks such as editing large image files or rendering complex graphics. The blog can explore different computer models and their specifications, discussing the ones suitable for photographers’ needs.
  3. Storage solutions: Photographers typically accumulate thousands of image files that require proper organization and backup. The blog can discuss different storage options, such as cloud services, external hard drives, or Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems, and how they interface with computers or laptops.
  4. Accessories and peripherals: Photography often requires additional equipment like graphic tablets, monitors with accurate color reproduction, and calibrated color management devices. The blog can review and recommend various accessories and peripherals compatible with computers or laptops.
  5. Workflow optimization: The blog can share tips and tricks to optimize photography workflows using computers or laptops. This can include suggestions for file organization, batch processing techniques, keyboard shortcuts, and software/plugins that enhance efficiency.
  6. Troubleshooting and maintenance: Computers and laptops may encounter issues that affect a photographer’s work. The blog can offer troubleshooting guides, maintenance tips, and software recommendations to maintain a smooth photography workflow.


  1. Camera capabilities: Discuss the photography features and advancements of smartphones, particularly iPhones, such as lens quality, image stabilization, low-light capabilities, and depth-of-field effects. Compare different smartphone camera models and highlight their strengths.
  2. Photography apps: Explore various photography apps available for smartphones, including editing, post-processing, and creative tools. Review popular photography apps, providing insights on their features, usability, and impact on image quality.
  3. Tips and tutorials: Share photography tips and tutorials specifically tailored for smartphone users, such as composition techniques, lighting effects, and creative photo editing using smartphone apps. Include step-by-step guides with relevant screenshots or sample images.
  4. Accessory recommendations: Discuss accessories that enhance smartphone photography, like lens attachments, tripods, stabilizers, or remote controls. Provide reviews and recommendations for such accessories, indicating how they can improve the quality of smartphone photos.
  5. Smartphone photography communities: Introduce and engage with online photography communities focused on smartphone photography. Encourage readers to participate, share their work, and exchange ideas and experiences related to smartphone photography.
  6. Inspiration and showcases: Curate and share inspiring smartphone and iPhone photographs taken by professional photographers or fellow readers. Include captions or interviews with the photographers to understand their approach, techniques, and settings used.
  7. Smartphone photography challenges: Organize photography challenges for smartphone users, asking them to submit their best shots within specific themes. Display the winning entries and provide constructive feedback to encourage learning and improvement.
  8. Image editing comparisons: Conduct comparison tests of different smartphone models or editing apps, showcasing the differences in image quality, color reproduction, and editing capabilities. Discuss the pros and cons to help readers make informed decisions.