
Incredible footage shows grizzly bear aggressively pouncing on camera

Aaron Teasdale, a photographer and writer, released a grizzly bear into the wild with hopes of it happily wandering into the forest. Little did he expect that the bear would charge at his camera, knocking it over.

Luckily, the incident was caught on film and serves as a reminder to respect and not disturb these powerful creatures.

Although Aaron first shared the video in 2018, it recently went viral. The star of the video is a 22-year-old male grizzly bear living in Montana’s northern Whitefish Range. This particular bear had taken a liking to visiting local chicken coops, causing conflicts between humans and wildlife.

To address this issue, Tim Manley, a bear biologist from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, captured the grizzly. The decision was made to release him in a more remote area, away from the temptation of chicken coops.

In preparation for the release, Aaron set up his camera, assuming that the bear would head straight to the nearby creek. However, the grizzly had different plans. As Aaron humorously wrote in his Instagram post, the bear had its revenge against the humans who had trapped him in mind.

The moment the trap door lifted, the grizzly immediately charged towards the camera. The action happens so quickly that it’s difficult to process. Just imagine how it would feel if the bear charged at you! While the video is intriguing, it’s important not to attempt such interactions with wildlife.

It’s always better to keep a safe distance and use a telephoto lens to capture wildlife images.

Aaron’s video perfectly captures the incredible strength and agility of grizzly bears, serving as a warning and a testament to nature’s unpredictability. Thankfully, no bears or humans were harmed during the recording of the video, although the fate of the camera remains uncertain.

Remember, photographers, capture the power of nature from a safe distance.

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