
Test Your Camera’s Shutter Speed with an Arduino & Lasers

Have you ever had a camera that didn’t perform well with its shutter speeds? It can be frustrating when you’re trying to capture a timelapse and there’s flickering, or when your old camera just doesn’t feel as quick anymore.

Back in the day, confirming shutter speeds was a complex task that required specialized equipment and charts to compare. But now, thanks to Stuart Brown’s project, you can easily do it using an Arduino and a couple of lasers.

The setup itself is quite straightforward, with only a few specific components needed.

You’ll need an Arduino Nano microcontroller, laser diodes, ISO203 laser receivers, a LiPo charger and voltage regulator, a level shifter, a small 2.2″ TFT display, and a few switches and connectors.

By using three lasers, this system accurately measures your camera’s shutter speed down to the millisecond. This allows you to quickly and effortlessly check whether your camera’s shutter is working properly or if it needs some adjustment.

While this project may not be for everyone, it’s incredibly valuable for those who shoot film cameras or regularly acquire new cameras. It provides an extra layer of confidence by allowing you to double-check that everything is working as it should.

In my case, I have some old cameras with shutter speeds that are definitely inaccurate. The previous shutter speed tester we featured was not as simple and easy to build as this one. I’m definitely adding this project to my build list!

If you’re interested in creating your own shutter speed tester, you can find the code and all the information you need on GitHub.

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